Everything is about balance

Right now I feel like a kid jumping to the swimming pool for the first time: excited and terrified at the same time.

I decided that I wanted to start a blog by the end of last summer, and like that kid, I have been walking around the pool thinking about how to do it. Which subjects should I talk about, how often should I write, is there going to be people interested in it… but today I woke up and I thought, just do it! Jump! So here I am, writing my first post of my new blog!

I am not going to lie, there are hundreds of questions right now bouncing into my head, but starting this blog and sharing it with you is one of the most exciting things I have ever done. Mr. Terrifying and Mrs. Exciting usually hold hands when you step out of your comfort zone, but that is something that I would love to talk about in another post.

In this first post I wanted to talk about something that I think is crucial in our lives, and that is balance.

We live in a world where social media has a huge impact and can be a bit overwhelming: perfect people living perfect lives, eating healthy all the time, exercising 24/7… but we should always have in the back of our minds that social media and reality do not always go together.

In this blog, I want to share with you a bit of my lifestyle: nourishing and delicious recipes, amazing ingredients, work out ideas, my journey into yoga and meditation, traveling tips, my favorite spots or just thoughts that wonder in my head; and that is because in my own experience, following a healthy lifestyle and taking care of my body and mind, is helping me to bring out the best of myself. It is simple, when I eat nourishing food, exercise a bit, sleep my hours… I just feel better, and when I feel better I am happier and I can spread it to the people that surrounds me. But one of my keys “to stay on track” and keep a healthy lifestyle is to not get obsessed about it and indulge myself from time to time with little (but important) things like a decadent, soft and sweet ice cream; in other words, to find balance.

Most of the days I wake up feeling the need to move, so first thing in the morning I go for a run or a yoga class, and I feel great afterwards. But some days I just don’t feel it. Those days I stay at home, I might stretch a bit to wake up the body and plan the day ahead while I have some breakfast, and that is totally fine!

I can tell you, it is much easier to keep a healthy lifestyle if you are not too hard on yourself and let your hair down from time to time.

One day, scrolling down on my phone I found this: “Some days you eat salads and go to the gym, some days you eat cupcakes and refuse to put on pants”. I thought the sentence was capturing the idea of balance so well that it deserved to be printed for my mouse pad, a place where I could remind it myself every day of the importance of balance.

But the most important is that everyone finds their own balance. This blog is based on my own experiences and I created it to share them because they work for me, but by no means I expect them to work for everyone. So I will be thrilled if any of my wholesome insights can help anyone to find a happier version of themselves but it would be unreasonable to think that all my experiences could fit everyone else. As people say “all roads lead to Rome”, which means that there are different paths that one can follow to get to the same point, and isn’t that the point? To be happy?

I hope you enjoyed reading my first post but stay tuned because many more are coming!


Don’t forget to smile,




  1. Chio
    June 22, 2018 / 2:16 pm

    I love it! Congrats!

    • Sara
      June 25, 2018 / 3:04 pm

      Thank you very much! I really hope you keep enjoying it 🙂

  2. Martin
    July 3, 2018 / 4:43 pm

    Hey Sara, congratulations on taking the plunge into the water!

    It was a fun first read, and I’m looking forward to your next post.

    Good luck =)

    • Sara
      July 8, 2018 / 2:47 pm

      Thank you very much! I am glad you enjoyed it. Second post is out! 🙂
